LAMENT - traducción al árabe
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LAMENT - traducción al árabe

Lamenters; Laments; Lamentation; Plangent; Miroloyia; Mirolóyia; Lamenter; Death tribute; Funeral tribute; Cumha na Cloinne; Lament for the Children
  • Egyptian women weeping and lamenting
  • Laments]]''



اِمْتِعاض ; اِنْتِحاب ; تَأَلُّم ; تَأَوُّه ; تَفَجُّع ; تَلَهُّف ; رثَاء ; رَثْي ; زُحَار ; عَوْل ; عَوِيل ; لَهْفَة ; مَرْثِيَّة ; مَنَاحَة ; نَحْب ; نُوَاح ; نَوْح ; وَلْوَلَة


اِنْتَحَبَ ; بَكَى ; تَأَلَّمَ ; تَفَجَّعَ ; تَوَجَّعَ ; رَثَى , رَثا ( المَيِّتَ ) ; عَوَّلَ ; ناحَ ; نَحَبَ

اسْم : عويل . مرثاة
فِعْل : يُعْوِل . ينوح . يندب . يتفجَّع على
أعول ، ناح
ندب ، رثا
عويل ، نواح ، تفجع مرثاة


·v An elegy or mournful ballad, or the like.
II. Lament ·vi To express or feel sorrow; to weep or wail; to Mourn.
III. Lament ·vt To mourn for; to Bemoan; to Bewail.
IV. Lament ·v Grief or sorrow expressed in complaints or cries; lamentation; a wailing; a moaning; a weeping.



A lament or lamentation is a passionate expression of grief, often in music, poetry, or song form. The grief is most often born of regret, or mourning. Laments can also be expressed in a verbal manner in which participants lament about something that they regret or someone that they have lost, and they are usually accompanied by wailing, moaning and/or crying. Laments constitute some of the oldest forms of writing, and examples exist across human cultures.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para LAMENT
1. And my biggest lament--
Escaping the Matrix _ Tom Bilyeu _ Talks at Google
2. And sometimes we lament that.
The Glass Cage - Automation and Us _ Nicholas Carr _ Talks at Google
3. after hearing a dad lament
4. has this music of lament about--
No Mercy in this Land _ Charlie Musselwhite & Ben Harper _ Talks at Google
5. We lament the existence of human smugglers,
Ejemplos de uso de LAMENT
1. "Do not lament Israel‘s establishment," she said.
2. You can‘t say Barak‘s lament is entirely baseless.
3. They lament strategic errors but oppose a speedy withdrawal.
4. MPs often understandably lament the declining authority of parliament.
5. Bush won‘t lament the blow sustained by a terror organization.